Jay Yang
The director of the undemocratic CDC quack doctor named Robert Redfield came aboard a senate hearing and humiliated himself and once again showed what a shame the CDC and the World Health Organization is as a political wing of the authoritarian Democratic party. The insane doctor stated that masks are more efficiently and the most powerful tool in stopping the transmission for a .000002 millimetre small virus and through all of the years of research dollars and money form the government in form of subsidies and freebies to all of these scientists" the only tool that they have right now in their pandemic is a cloth of material shows the bogus nature of the lies coming from the center of Disease Control and basically how this organization is all about control.
This man lied and once again demanded that people wear a cloth as the most effective way to stop the transmission of virus and the billions given to researchers,doctors, and health experts in virus studies has only produced a simple cloth material as the solution. Pathetic. This man is a overburden undemocratic lying bastard and should be treated as one and put a protective jacket and thrown in a institutional hospital.
The CDC is run by the psychopaths in China and is a the most effective tool that the red communist Chinese have in infiltrate and attacks from within with these crazed for hire liars like Robert Redfield who repeated the same tiresome lie and push to mask every face forever in America because he says thousand of lives would of been saved which of course is more bullshit coming from this evil mad scientist and total horse shit artist. The CDC wishes to enforce a mask culture not temporary but permanently in this sick cultural Marxist takeover and terror and they have the likes of this jackass working and speaking this nonsense.
The idiot said that masks are more guarantee of protection than a vaccine and the intentions are once again of this power trippen asshole and his Center of Control to confuse people and brainwash them into acceptance that they should never show their fucking face in public as this is some sort of twisted plot against humanity and many observers thought D Redfield looked drunk and dumb during his recent public testimony on the terror and fright night he is trying to spread with his vile lies. Robert Redfield and the little worm Anthony Fauci are leading the forefront of the global war on constitutional rights and governments around the world with their medical tyranny and take over of government and society installing the health scare crow terror and fear-based Marxist that these two old fuck faces support and seek to have become victorious. Make no mistake this rotten vulgar monster wishes to prevent large family gatherings and this is a war on the nuclear traditional family and is being driven by a globalist class funding the likes of Fauci and Redfield to lie and misinform the public wit their evil agenda
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