Father Robert Altier censored for calling out Covid Hoax and scam of Robert Redfield amd CDC

  Jamie Logan

     Payten Jenkins

    Father Robert Altier is much attune how the heath power trippen fascists like Anthony Fauci and Robert Redfield are attempting to create a new priesthood where their decrees and issues mandate should society to a standstill and to their wishes and the priest from Minnesota called out COVID-19 as began a laboratory creation from years of free money and studying virus and the health Nazis do this in order to give themselves more global power and proceed with the New World  Order were the health experts play a bigger role in our society with their decisions and rules. 

 The creation and cross border work on this project by both Chinese and deep state American and their cooperative business class was developed in order to help achieve this New World Order global dominance of the money class and the destruction of traditional churches and places of worship is a twin goal of the Communists and Health globalist Western fascists and medicine. Naturally the globalist and open borders catholic church didn't like the idea of this rogue priest criticizing the response to Covid 19 and calling it as the fake and the local archdiocese was quick to

condemn this man and his speech and call his sermons as conspiracy as they label anything that question the restrictions of this pandemic and fake crisis. The Minnesota priest also declared that living demons ar funding this fake hoax and seek to use it to create vaccines they can charge and which ultimately may do more harm and kill  or people than a non-existent new virus that this no different than the common cold and flue and the heath fascists and administrators are just extracting this falsehood and manipulation normal annual deaths so they can get themselves more wealthier in this conspiracy unseen in mankind and allowed to spread through the fake media. Father Altier has noticed and spoke often how it was only a year ago they were planning and having exorcism for this pandemic and this is all on record and the man goal of this Plandemic is for more social control by global liberal progressive forces against the people wh keep electing populist governments that put people over the nations business jet  class and their profits in industry and yes medicine and pharmaceutical. 


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