Laura Ingrham points out how Democrats and far left socialists trying to repress and prevent people having fun and it is up to the Beach and Beastie boys to help us

    Kevin Rooster

   Laura Ingraham had a interesting program the other day as she basically aid it down to what the Covid 19 hoax was all about and this is government to stop and prevent people from celebrating holidays and having fun and the globalist plan to have a one world system and government coutts on the elimination of unique identities and holidays. Laura Ingraham pretty much stated that the Democratic repressive natures of attacking large social gatherings is basically a left-wing undemocratic socialist attempt for control and it is the likes of the wicked wizard that is the silly bastard two-time presidential loser and candidate Bernie Sanders who is the

epitome of evil and a sore loser. Bernie and the bureaucrats of the number of money coming form overseas and attempting to affect ut civil liberties and as the Beastie Bots once rallied to fight for your right to party is the key achievement and resistant that a Laura Ingrham has called for and demanded action needed to push back against the Green supremacists and Green Eco-Nazis that have essentially have taken over the Democratic Party. It will be up to music and the old trolling aging acts of the Beach Boys and the Beastie

Boys to save us form these Democratic Governors that these evil wizards like Bernie Vermont, Anthony Fauci, and rotten Robert Redfield have brainwashed the Blue state governors to become Black and Green radicals of politics attempting nefariously to destroy our rights and freedom of association and to ave a fucking large birthday party as family social functions are none of the governments business.

Old trolls in government and the scarecrow health industries are attempting to destroy this country and this attack on our democracy and freedom is clearly a result of the same forces that projected the joke that a Bernie Sanders is a serious bonafide candidate for the White House when in fact he wa sa clown and a complete moron ling able to get into the senate from outside foreign money sources seeking to have these dumb fools like Colonel Sanders into mainstream politics of weak low-voter turnout minor states such as Delaware and Vermont. 

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