Rusty Stone
Rock star Youtuber and political commentator Mark Dice took the lying left-wing media such as the idiot John Iadorla and the young Turks to task with their constant racial fear-mongering and lying about president Trump and conservatives. Mark took one one of the mot stupidity repulsive podcast hosts or co-hosts of all time in Young Turks lame prick sucker co host and regular on the terrible network of the Young Turks. John Iadaroloa is a constant liar trying hard to get his ugly face into more of a limelight with his stupidity and bullshit that can often be found on Cenk Uygur's bad Left-wing global funded internationalist
Young Turks network and Mark Dice mocked this moron having no personality or humor as a meme showing Joe Biden playing a NWA anti-police inflammatory and profane laced song instead of some other bad music of pandering that Joe Biden had selected for Hispanics didn't go over well for many and he was smocked unmercifully for his pandering an ridiculous look in front of a heritage conference and rally for Biden done by a Latino rap artist
. Mark Dice says this silly shit John Iadarloa does the impossible and this is make fat turd Turk Cenk Uygur look good and that compared to this gullible dumb bastard Iadaroloa. Dice says John is fuck face moron and is stupider than shit who just often trolls right-winger with his insanity leftist ideology and bad deliverance and this guy is perhaps a top five complete dumbass on politics o a major alternative news outlet that takes to foreign money the Yong Turks is on the internet as their progressive Communist propaganda is largely subsidized by those wishing to interfere in our politics. Dice went on to bash the continued censorship of tbese networks that are so obvious for Joe Biden and the push by these celebrities to censor those that the privileged entertainers think should not have a equal voice to theirs.
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