Polly Cracker
Rand Paul encountered little health fascist worm that is Anthony Fauci and now as Fauci as this career health restrict or and worm had built a career spreading misinformation and fear. Fauci praised Andrew Cuomo and his dealing with Covid crisis which was disastrous at best and some would say murderous at worse. Anthony Fauci is a little worm that the birds love to follow around and this man should really consider and be forced to retire some day in the near future and this is something Mr Paul will address and is primarily the main reason he is serous considering running for president under both the Republican ticket and the Libertarian Party . Rand Paul told this jackass that New York has achieved some herd immunity and that the country needs to end lock downs and restriction and just allow this virus the natural rythem of going through the population and Paul Rand accused the Democrats and their insiders such as these "health" experts like Anthony Fauci give cover for the war on America business and capitalism. Rand Paul keeps getting into and asking this Fauci the tough senate questions that others don't ask as we have a political party in total alliance and pledged to the World Heath organizational their Chinese driven global fascism that they desire to spread. Joe Biden may die in office and there is a good chance that Randy Paul will not be running against Biden should he defeat Trump and some are saying that Anthony Fauci would be the Democrat nominee and possible front runner right now where he to have run in 2020 against Joe Biden. A Rand Paul Anthony Fauci race for the White House is a serous possibly and occurrence and the testy senate hearings in 2020 about Covid rules and allowances is only a sneak preview.
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