Se Cupp shows her support for a boring president and desires to be sniffed and molested by Joe Biden

Wilbur Morris
      Se Cupp is a fake Conservative fake news CNN bitch who always fantasized of being another Monica Lewinsky and she hopes Joe Biden gets elected as she would volunteer to be the first woman raped by this sniffer and groper. Joe Biden likely has sexually assaulted hundreds of women in his political career and the secret Democrat in SE Cupp whore likely ignores these truths because she hates F Republicans and president Trump and wants to serve in anywhay the new idea  administration. SE Cupp recently  wrote a boring piece in her usual boring  newspaper columns that America now needs a boring president.
SE Cupp wants to return to the days where people didn't think about politics or pay attention and this is precisely what lead to the likes and scum of Bill Clinton. Bush, and the Hussein administrations  selling out out jobs and country to fucking China and this wicked witch at the CNN/?CCP network knows this and is why she wants people to be sleepwalking again and not be Luke Sky walkers resisting the evil global trade domination monopolist empire of the one percent. SE Cupp is a whore and a half and much like most of the media puts full blame of 180.000 people m dying of Covid at his feet when in the same time last years before Covid the same amount of people died form other causes and the numbers lie
people are getting older and more people are dying because this has been projected for years as baby boomer s age and eventually die off like every generation before them only on  greater numbers because  of the high population. The  health scare crow industry feels tired and overworked and they seek to kill off and displace people as much as they can instead of working and providing elderly care and support as this evil untrustworthy industry needs to be taken to task.
SE Cupp has always had a fantasy of being molested  and getting laid by a sitting president and having her hair  sniffed and body caroused and is he get goose bumps thinking of this silly goose Biden getting into the White House and acting like  a Catholic priest to her and underage girls as thee mainstream media members are so sick. Se Cupp is also an idiot blaming president Trump for the mas everyday interest of the public and obsession for politics and she shows her partisan face as the real issue is the crazy Democrats and their economic terrorism and hijacking of our constitution and obvious odious agenda against the power and might of our nation to the actual political rage and dividable political reality caused by it as the real reason for American obsessive political era. Se Cupp needs to go into porn and stay out of politics she is such a dipshit. 

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