The Russian are coming The Russians are coming support Khalifa Haftar and get Turkish demon Recep Tayipp Erdogan out of the region

 Denny Watson

     The Russians are coming the Russians are coming and the Turkish mad dog dictator demonic sharia ruler Recep Tayip Erdogan is worried a s anew player the Eastern Mediterranean may be developing as the Russians have watched with unease as the Turkish pirates have threatened islands and nations in the area. AFRICOM claimed that the Russians are flying high and allowing aircraft to be transferred and support the forces of Libyan freedom fighter Khalifa Haftar as he struggles against a globalist corrupt rule and leadership occupation of Libya that class to be the representative government of Libya and something the great Libyan general Khalifa Hafter strongly disagrees and has been fighting for some five years now in Libya.

Haftar was on the verge of winning and over throwing the United Nations Government of National  Accord which is a western puppet and European Union government preferred leadership. Khalifa Haftars forces and the Benghazi backed Libyan National Army  was on the verge of winning before intervention by the Turkish neo-Ottoman leadership and forces of Recep Tayipp Edogan and now these forces are in a
collision  course with mother Russia. There are many mercenaries fighting for the Benghazi  backed rebels as they know of the international risk this madman Erdogan poses for the world they fight off enemies of the Turkish expansionists and Islamic jihadists and this war will be remembered as brutal and similar to the Spanish Civil war prior to World War II.

The lies of AFICOM and of Bridger General of the American deep state Gregory Hadfield of aircraft being flown and manned by Russian pilots is complete Camelshit  and more meddling of the Democratic Party  global politics and the deep state that is allied with demons like Tayipp Erdogan and the plutocrats wishing to control ad own Libya.  This follows satellite imagery that the paranoid Turkish empire released sowing Russian ships coming to the Eastern Mediterranean . The far left has a Russian obsession and blasts Russian that Russian Wagner Group mercenaries and Syrian Russian backed soldiers are in Libya while ignoring the Islamist and Turkish backed Syrian jihadists have long been involved and infiltrating this country and interfering in this civil war itself and basically Recep Tayipp is trying to annex all of Libya. The Russian ships are also  in the region to prevent further Turkish incursion and threats to Egypt,Greece, and Cyprus and the Russians historically and will naturally continue to resist and stand up to the Turkish dogs that are perpetually a terror  to their neighbors and always threatening the people n the region with their continual terrorism and evil hatred for non-Muslims and non-Turks in and around historical Anatolia. 

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