Silly Geese Anna Kaspararian and Cenk Uygur get goose pimples thinking Chris Cuomo hammered Ted Cruz

  Bacter Lomax

    The fat left liberals on the internet  troll propaganda went crazy and more of them ut up videos of Chris Cuonoe confronting senator Te Cruz and making mentioned of his fighting with president Trump two or three years go durign a heated Republican nomination contest. The silly gooses at the Yong Turk propagandist and horseshit network are made up of fat and ugly Cenk Uygur and the Armenian whore Anna

Kasparian and both love birds made mention of how aroundsed and goose pimply they became watching their hero of the CCP network Chris, son of Mario Cuomo, get into a spirited and heated debate with mr Cruz concerning Covid and the president response. Another note of interest is that any Google  or online search of this debate between Cuomo and Ted Cruz  has listed all the far-left Democrat and socialist internet while the right-wing and libertarian freedom  websites that are playing this video were listed dead last .
Cuomo flipped out when Mr Cruz blasted the awful murderous repsonse of his brother Andrew Cuomo that basically put old people and Covid patents together and Cuomo sought to make some sacrifices as this Coronovirus was a desperate attempt  of the Democrats to derail the economies and the system seeking something to polticise and accuse against president Trump.

Most if not all of the far left liberal sights published stories often with the headline of Cuomo tearing into Ted Cruz and he must be lead to the  conclusion that CNN and thee far-leftist censorship advocating internet media sights had planed for this confrontation and much of their coverage of it was the usual typically bias and partisan as they made it out to seem that Cuomo delivered the damages to Cruz' reputation instead of looking at the shots that Cruz took toward this  pathetic broadcast annalist and fake news

contributor who ony has such a major media job because of his family and the evidence of him running and getting triggered by Cruz's shot at Andrew is evidence. Ted Cruz rightfully showed to the world tha the news media ignores the governors response  and contributions to the spread of deaths through Covid yet this is something the liars at the YTN will never acknowledge as stupid Anna and fat Kurd Cenek Uygur are totally blinded by partisan idelogy and only desire to see outcomes one way. Regardless of what the Young Turks Network of far left-wing fascism says Ted Criz did not look bad in the interview and this shit head Freddo did no damage to Cruzs reputation and it is the reputation of Andrew Cuomo that has been damaged with hsi lck of repsonse and actions that put more people in harms way of a virus and this asshole will not serve another term as Governor as most of the peope in the state if New York see Cuomo for the fialure and mistake he is as a poltcian.  In fact, as more old people  die off they will forget Mario vuomo and we always insist tha Cuomo was elected through the confusion of bitter old brains who liked Mario Cuomo as a governor  thought that he was still in office  not knowing the difference beween his boy and Mario.

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