Crazed Jewish Jennifer Rubin goes loco about Trum releasinghimself form hospital and tkaing off his mask

     Bradly Austin

    Woke crazed psychotic activist pretending to be a journalist at the fake news Jeff Bezos owned Washington Post ith Jennifer Rubin is Jewish and believes  in a medical martial law to even oppress the rights and religion of her own people. Jennifer Rubin is a lefties writer at the Washington post suffering for major Trump deranged Syndrome and the crazed radical lost it demanding the Walter Reed Hospital be defunded because they helped the president with all sorts of life saving drugs instead of letting him die which the evil of her desired. It is because Trump had such a quick recovery that this crazy bitch has now come out and advocated the Walter reed Hospital get defunded and all money and funding should be instead

diverted to Baltimore liberal and lying John Hopkins University system as the mainstream media and the liars like Jennifer Rubin use their manipulated data to push forward a lie of the Covid crisis and laying it all at the feet of Donald Trump. Rubin is  a nut and a screw ball typical of the rotten to the core media members as she has been tweeting nonstop so angered that the hospital released Mr Trump and that he is allowed back into the Whte house as this crazy bitch thought maybe this latest hoax and coup attempt  would keep him out of the White House once and for all. This woman is loco insane in the membrane and seriously needs to seek professional medical help for her Trump derangness syndrome

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