Ted Cruz and Ted Lieu head into a vicious 2024 campaign with the Cuomo brothers on their heels

     Baba Pugwuthi

    The coming battle between Ted Cruz and Ted Lieu in the race for 2024 is being played out as Ted Cruz is strongly coming out as the front runner should Donald  Trump lose the residency this year. Ted Cruz is about to put his name in the 2024 hat and two of his biggest rival are going to be Andrew Cupmo of New York and Ted Lieu of California and some are saying that the 2024 Democratic ticket regardless of who win this election will be a Lieu and Cuomo ticket. With this in mind Andrew's brother Cjris viciously attacked Ted Cruz's last week on the fake news network CNN as Cuomo rehashed some incident with president Trump calling Ted's wife ugly or something and Chris Cuomo knows who on the Republicans stand in the way of his brother and ted Lieu from having the presidency in 2024.

Andrew Cuomo and Ted Lieu will be n a Democratic primary form hell and both will likely in the end form an alliance against the proposed Republican winner which may be Donald Trump. Jr.,Tucker Carlson and Red Cruz and the Chris Cuomo feud is heating up early with Cruz and Cuomo going at it head to toe on national television and Chris Cuomo is 
 and always has been a little troll though use of th media and the allowances that Mario and Andrew Cuomo pressured the CCP network to have Chris Cuomo as a major voice and broadcaster on that awful traitorous anti-American network. Ted Cruz told a packed audience, most of whom were not wearing masks, that the Cuomo's and this hand selected congressman form California of the CCP party arr a dire threat to the future of this nation and when trump and Biden or gone new stars will emerge to battle it out for the soul and stability of this country. Loo for a ted Lieu or Andrew Cuomo and Ted Cruz presidentual race in 2024


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