Ted Cruz Hammers Islamic radical crazed Twitter executive Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerberg

 Andy Cruz

     Texas senator Ted Cruz hammered away at the neuritic and eccentric Chief executive propagandist and censorship at Twitter who has done his part in helping the activist  left-wing mob to cause havoc on America and that continues to this day with rioting and attacking of our police by Black supremacists in Philadelphia. Ted Cruz pushed back at Jack Dorsey's lies that Twitter doesn't target conservative and Republican ideology in its locking down of accounts an this is a bold face lie as Twitter is a extreme liberal web company whom like most internet on-line companies screens out their employees and hired only the most extreme partisan political thinkers for many of its upper management and engineer classes.

Jack Dorsey came out looking like a member of Al Qaeda and he sees himself either as a king or a Sultan and Ted Cruz and this senate hearing brought some humbleness to Mr Jack Twitter and brought him down to reality as he knows if they have some law passed social  media and Twitter will be fucked as they be liable for the content they distribute. Twitter always dissent and looting to be spread as the Black Marxists and lefties anarchists use this social media platform to target bomb a area and use of excuse of protest to organize and destroy areas in name of their fake social justice. The  large social media sites colluded to prevent the Hunter Biden corruption story and his dealings with international business  and governments to profit for his family and Joe Biden from reaching the masses as news lie this before an election must be discussed and brought p as the question of Joe Biden's integrity and morals should be allowed to be challenged. This obviously was something Black Jack. Pudachari, and Zuckerberg didn't want to be shared or discussed. 

Twitter needs to be banned and put in the same pressure and situation as Tik Tok and that day is coming as Twitter and to a lesser extent Facebook are showing their extreme partisan politics and favoritism and this is just not good for a democracy and if Twitter and Facebook was doing the same thing to the Green party or Democratic liberal thinkers we would be thinking and declaring the same thing. All the blame can;t really go to Jack Dorsey as he and brother Mark Zuckerberg are r being pressured by the same sources advocating and demanding censorship and these are of course undemocratic members of the social justice army mob and domestic terrorists. Perhaps Jack and Zuckerberg were scared and had death threats. Ted Cruz asked who the hell elected young but the answer is some and an meddling internationalist investor class of globalists elected for Twitter to be the top social media manipulative political sites and to have the power it does with Black Jack Dorsey ,a Irish scumbag and now Muslim convert they plucked off the street,and to wield and yield the power that it has done now being brought before the halls of Montezuma  justice to answer to the US senate of its nefarious undemocratic actions on political dialogue through Twitter.

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