The geriatric Beach Boys come out and support candidate Joe Biden and his vice presidency Bernie Sanders

    Carlton Olsen

      Why any successful and Famous wealthy artists such as the Beach Boys would come out and support two old men who are running for president and vice president and who would tax the shit out of them is unknown. The same and iconic Beach Boys and most of its living members came out and  pretty much supported the magic of lock downs and nondemocratic control zones.

The Beach Boys apparently  don't want to make any jingle and love concerts and their days of surfing,sicking, and sacking in the center of  arena s are kaput. These guys would be raking tons of money thirty years ago and clearly if they were still performing in front of large audiences i doubt the Beach Bums would be so supportive of Joe Biden much like their similarly named Beastie Boys rap trio.The Beach men of all people should know how Democratic one party state can control and destroy an area and maybe they were to busy performing outside of California to see how career politicians like Joe Biden ruined this state. 

Brian Wilson and other is this old geezard band likely are so paranoid of Covid 19 they think it will shorten their lives and instead of living to their nineties they may only make the mid eighties and one must wonder if  the old aging and butter braining of the Beach Boys brain circuit sis responsible more for their support of Joe Biden/Bernie Sanders ticket in addition to seeing Joe Biden as a really old and senile looking man and they can relate more with this. Te Beach boys are old bums unable to sing,perform,surf,fuck,run, fight, or build quality sand castles and now just seek to add their confused voice to more political ranting and supporting in a field they are not  qualified and do not being speaking. 

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