Tucker Carlson comes out strong against CDC Robert Redfield and Anthony Fauci wishing to destroy nations and replace it with worship and pledge allegiance to global medical word order

 Dmitri Diamond

   The  scare crowing of the health industry and sainthood of their  new religion is reverberating throughout the world as the drive for a one world health government and lick down of capitalism and society until these psychopaths get their wish are in full affect. Some eight months after this  fake Covid horseshit was announced England and several other European nations went into lock down as the globalists seek to

demoralize and destroy these nations and their identity much as it has been successful in initiating in the past ten year sin Canada with inept pro globalists world leader such as Justin Trudeau along with New Zealand and Australia as these lick down nations have waged war on the unique culture of these nations int eh Anglosphere. Tucker Carlson ridiculed the powers to be and their use of scaring the public into this acceptance of restrictive  lock downs and closures of activities and cultures and basically I wish Tucker  would say this objective by the World Heath Organization and the Center for Disease contort is a globalist order meant to do to America and Europe with what they apparently succeeded in Canada as our neighbors to the North are the first post  identity global country no longer of any unique identity and culture.

This agenda i meant in order to end the resistance  and have the North just take in millions  and millions of people form the South  into a complete erasure of identities and nationalities and the people of the mask are on bard with this plan as Robert Redfield and Anthony Fauci are celebrated by ten complicity mainstream media in this attack on countries identities a d nationalities in their  quest to get this global transnational sit objective and new nation one world order. Dr Fauci and this fuck face mask fascist Robert Redfield are doing something to the Western nations that all of Osama Bin Ladden and his money and planning couldn't do and men like Fauci and Redfield need to be arrested along with the other global leaders of this drive of open borders and no more countries and whether Canadians ever wise uo and rebel against the rule of Justin Trudeau is not known but not out of the  realm if possibility. Tucker Carlson shows no fear  up to the medical martial laws and the corruption of the Democratic party an d its congressional leaders initiating this order from the business 1% class and international investors and th banking classes that seek to spread all cultures into all nations , lands, and stans. The United nations  ha long held a plan for this and they want to erase all flags and symbols of separate nations and wrsip the media mask of our front line bamboozles and fraudsters in these international  health  system that are promoting this fake crisis and fear to meet the objectives of this global order class waging war against the average citizen and their elected populait leaders around the world elected and meant ot put their nations people ahead of global business members. As Tucker said the medical global field wants a one government where all the people are united in love of their field and are good sheep to able all of the orders and objectives of this top echelon class of government and corporate  media elites who want no opposition to their rule and the nepotism and legacy theh  want to pass onto their families name for all eternity as the  new religion and feudal chiefs. 

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