Rush Limbaugh bashes back at the skinny ugly ass of first occupied president of the United States Barack Hussein Obama as he appears and bashes Rush on propaganda channel Pod save America

        Ed West

    Barack Obama Islama is the first rigged and globalist Muslim president serving eight years and working harder for Iran than American and he recently appeared on the lame podcast of Pod Save America  hosted by former Obama aids and workers and current left wing pieces of shit  named Jon Favreau and Tommy Vietor. Barack Obama blamed the Republican talk radio infrastructure for the partisan bickering and i ability to get political action and change don  and apparently this silly Kenyan-Indonesian transnational duo citizen Obama watched none of the fake news daily anti-Trump attacks coming form powerful foreign funded news sources such as MSBNC, CCN/CCP, ABC, nor CBS and once again Barack Hussein speak with fork tongue and gold tooth. Right wing Rush Limbaugh was singled out by Hussein Obama in this podcast with  and Obama is a corrupt fuck job working with Democrats and internationalists to meddle and interfere with their money into American elections and giving  leg up for the internationalist and those money over the average Americans in political control of

business,government, and institutions in this country. Barack Obama is worried  about Trump destroying a infrastructure of war mongering ,meddling, and interference in other countries affairs and Barack Obama is o e of the sickest interventionists of all tie and he made that clear in his appearance to this terrible shitty podcast called Pod save America hosted by some of the messily slimest  left-wing trolls out there on the internet. 

   Rush Limbaugh bashed back against Barack Obama calling him a agent for the elite  internationalists who use and abuse our military and middle and working class military members to fight wars of profit were mad monsters like Barack Obama and Joe Biden can profit and make money form their interference that Hussein Obama says we need to take care of in global hots ports and solve the problems. Obama wants the interventionists always to be interfering and invading and he is upset that the state department has lost many of the member she and the Clinton's put in place to ensure the deep state makes it  marks with involvement sin places half away around the world where this Kenyan and Indonesian bastard

automatically seeks to extract the American tax payer to fix in places like Afghanistan and rebuild banana stands for radical Muslims. Limbaugh blasted the camel Kenyan and the rotten souls that lie and propagandize on this outlet of Pod save America are filled with young elites urban fuck whackers in Jon Lovettt, Jon Favreau ,Dan Pfeifer, and Timmy Vietor are among the wore and most egregious libtards out there as nothing these fur horsemen assholes  of the extreme radical progressive movement fabricate in order to use medical bio-security to occlude free speech or voices of political opposition these shit heads are dead against and determined to prevent. Limbaugh says these four turkeys are puppets align with their former boss in Hussein Obama of the deep state and globalist class and that Obama singled Rush Limbaugh ou  and other conservative radio hosts ut instead of the real cause of the division on  liberals running the media because Obama s want the American people and Middle parts of the country to have a voice and power to express their  views against the oligarchy that this piece  of shit Barack Osama Obiden ins  now a part 

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