Otto Jansen
new saddened the business press the other day when it came about that retail crusher and source of technocratic money laundering Chinese technocrat tony Hsieh succumbed to Covid 9. This man was nothing but a Al Bundy shoe salesmen and the technocracy wanted to use him and his Zappos company overvaluing and funding this fake company as it revenues and sales number sis like many tech related companies and about as honest as the American 2020 election. Tony Hsieh was given advantages for hs she selling company and much of the declarations of the revenues and sales of this company I doubt were ever true and the promotion of this man and his company was only meant to attack traditional retail and push forth a disrupted business to take over not unlike much what they are trying with the energy sector and pushing the need and dangers of fake climate change to disrupt that economic sector as well. Tony Hsieh was a tool for technocracy and pretend that so many people were flocking to this new on-line retail sale and generational shift of shipping whcih is a fabrication as most people actually want to see and touch a product before purchasing it and claims that people didn't want traditional shopping and to purchase more on-line sales lie of the tech computer related business and the necessity of fake companies like Zappos being such an attraction is more what explains what this Chinese clown and his shoe company was all about
. The role of companies and corruption and redevelopment as he was a part getting tons of free money cheap loans from the government in decade to kickstart and redevelop a downtrodden shit hole part of Vegas City also should of been explained more properly by the dishonest business press and only a corrupt rigged system explains why Zappos existed and why Tony Hsieh was so critically acclaimed by the business press for his dumb company and lies of it . Tony was no visionary and only a beneficiary of a corrupt city and development contractual fraudulent system an the idea that there needed to be an on-line some Amazon store where women shop and pick shoes based on compute images is still a fraud by our books as another source of venture capital horse shit and bullshit mixed in with some Gorilla dust and Cougar urine. I wrote an article several years ago examining this man and his visionary fortunes for basically just selling shoes on-line and whether this was really a billion dollar adventure. In much of the same way people can;t trace and guarantee the integrity of our election there is little viable ways to contact trace and in actuality proclaim if Tony the tigers Zappos shoe on-line really made these revenues or whether they were just selling shoes to Russian Bots,Macedonian trolls, Mexican cartel special boxes, and and Swiss accounts his man was a beneficiary of big tech and the ponzi scheme these people in this rotten industry are allowed by big globalist banking monopolizes and Mr Hseih is part of the University of Illinois Asian corruption industry where funding for innate products and ideas is easily available no matter how hair brain they happen to be and the real business of Tony Hseih's business is in other corrupt sectors of the economy with much of them coming form these foreign connected globalist Blue states in America. Tony' Hsieh's success is also dependent on the supplying of this company by the Harvard University types and only because ts
Chinaman went to Harvard is what explains the business success and claims of visionary for this favorite son of the investing fraudsters and gangsters who have the power and ability to lie in returning their millions and millions of dollars of investments that instead could of gone to worthwhile projects helping people and affordable housing, are given to Tony so they can play poker and move operations of his fake company to Vegas City. This guy was basically and then given stolen money and fraudulent sourced incomes to make the claims of a billion dollars in annual revenue as Zappos was making which s total bogus and fabrication and if you want to believe that Zappos was
making that much in revenue in return and sales then I got beach front property to sell you in Armenia. This guy eventually repaid what he sowed and after making so many friends through the years and having his stupid visionary idea made into a realty he must of pissed someone off and his death in a fire smacks of auspiciousness and he must have made enemies as well in relation to money and spending of it. This guy was a find of the billionaire class and likely he pissed someone off who offed him and it is men like Tony Hseigh and their shoe ponzi scheme to why we see the absurdity of the corrupt one percent class reinvesting fraudulently money into used sneakers and now making value of such items which is an abomination of common sense. Chinese fraudster and ponzi scheme magician Tony Hsieh is dead at the age of 42.
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