Clifford Gifford
The Run down Live internet program is a Milwaukee based radical left wing cop hating program hosted by a Kristan Harris and Make Paczesny as hosts who lie and propagandize like there is no tomorrow. These agents of socialism and radical Milwaukee politics are attacking resident Trump's refusal to conceded the elections and they claim we are finally seeing the orange dictator that so many n the media and alternative leftist hacks as these two clowns kept saying for three years. eh Run Down Live guys are furious that Trump has withheld the transition of Joe Biden adn the clams that Trump and his team are saying with massive election fraud is angering these far-left police defunding prick holes.
Mile Paczesney is a pot smoking lard ass and he and Kristan Harris said that president Trump and hios stooges from Scott Walker and Rudy Giuluani. The Run Down live jag fags seemed very concerned that the far left theft attempt may be exposed and a Joe Biden presidency may be denied and the Run Down Live hosts say it is crucial for more pressure to be made and extorted by the left to defund the police as everything must be don to end this prison state that these two guys says has reached an epidemic and that Scott Walker and former Milwaukee sheriff David Clarke are responsible as the police Kristan says set up
innocent propel men such as Jeffery Dahmer, Steve Avery, Arthur Fonzerelli and the Black guy that shit up the Pabst brewery some years back. These Bibulous bastards often seemed smoked out or drunked out of their stupid shit heads and the lies that we have to endure hearing these idiot son the shortwave radio. The Run Down Radio duo continue to be a messed up misfit chain smoking jackass tag team from Mars and Milwaukee and they continue to get more and more stupid as shit through the years. The alternative internet radio Milwaukee hosts Kristan Harris and the pig Paczesny will continue to be monitored and listened to by the enter Bear podcast and we continue to strive to bring out and call out these propagandists and socialists shills for the Democratic Party as they strive to create a one party Soviet States of America and destroy our capitalist system because their drug induced damage brains cannot comprehend debate or political disagreement and dialogue.
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