Silly Argentine celebration for some dead baller kicker is further proof why this country is so incompetent and a banana republic Italo-Hispano globalist debt leech public

 Andy Cruz

    To say Argentina is a loser nation would be an underestimate an the reaction and agony the nation felt at the death of a baller named Diego Marodonna was something one can expect from this asshole nation. Argentina had practically done little for the advancement of human civilization and is a South American country neither caring about their predicament and economic disorder and the corruption of its leaders and instead people took to the streets to remember and vocalize tribute to some dude who played soccer and won this national World Cup. The celebration for some soccer guy who won a cup a long long long  tie ago is something that is typical of Argentina and its culture is one obsessed  with Empanadas and lame

soccer and perhaps these people should start playing other sports and not put so much stardom to a jackass that was inconsistent throughout his career and added little except to be an outlet for the delight of Argentine nationalists who are soft and cannot fight wars effectively losing the Falkland Islands to Britannia in a war that lasted like a fucking week. If Argentina but as much thought and interest in their culture and economy as they do with football perhaps this country would not be the economic disaster and laughingstock always in default  and living through massive debt as they want to dine wine and eat

Empanadus all day long and accomplish little on the national global economic stage. Three  days or mourning lasting from morning to night has been declared by Argentina  president  Juan Gomez. Some overzealous fans rioted out of anger unable to cope with news of the death of Armando Diego Marodonna  who n his hey day courted Madonna and wanted the global order world and international press to know he bedded that whore and namesake similar to his  soccer stud. The fact that these neurotic and eccentric Argentine's would get so  emotional for a baller who played the boring sport of soccer many many many many moons ago is further evidence why this banana republic Afghanistan type banana stan joke  of a nation has nothing to offer and will always be with fucked up economies and an inability to actuality not have a country that is always messed up

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