Black Jack Dorsey desperate to stop president Trump and Republicans from ending of section 230 social media propaganda complex protection

     Ed West

    Why is political partisan flag Jack Dorsey CEO of Twitter is worried about the spending bill? It may be because Jack knows that he is a propagandist and works for publishing material and content to aid one politic side over another and leftiest  protest racket that this man was created and have fake growth and value of his pravda type social media news site is under attack finally after all of these years of his manipulation. . Provision 230  that ends the protection 40 social media companies as not being Publishers was put in effect and this will definitely hurt Jack Dorsey has done nothing but shown his political bias and you work for the Democrat Party. Twitter and its constant so-called fact-checking on President Trump's tweets are more obvious indications at this social media giant became a giant overvalued company to be used as a welcome weapon in propaganda for the Democrat Party and the globalist neo-liberalism like Black Jack Dorsey President Trump has tweeted set in Afghanistan Soldier had told him that Afghanistan banana stand elections are much more secure and safe send America's 2020 election since the folks at Twitter and it put a link where one would click to see their propaganda about how Trump tweets and the soldiers

opinions are false because in essence Twitter is working for the organizations that brought about this massive voter fraud in 2020. Jack Twitter is a corrupt bastard working hard to rig and undermine out elections with his constant censor shipping of prominent people who don;t agree with the goals of the climate liars and repulsive undemocratic socialists  and far left politicians like Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi who have done their best to undermine our democracy with aid from lying socialist  bias media outlets like Twitter and the corporate globalist owned and pushing mainstream media channels

. Jack DIcksey has done everything he can do as head of Twitter along with free international investors money to limit the speech of conservatives and those Americans that politically organize and put a America first agenda determined to stand up and resit the globalist elite one percent trade syndicates around the world that extract government sin many lands and stans and middle men their way to wealth at the expense of the common man of these respective countries. More and more pressure is finally coning to America fake over-values tech overlords along with increasing Chinese fellow kleptocrats whoa re in the  hairs and finding their fortunes and lives erased and the same could be coming for the American tech overlords all ending up under mysterious endings like the founder of Zappos and Tony Hseih.

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