Charlie Munger says avoid Bitcoin poison and don't believe the con men praising it as he bashes snake charmers and oil men like Max Keiser and Jef Berwisck.

    Martin Manziel

Dream Money

  Charlie Munger is tired of the bitcoin scam artists and say despite the rise of  the growth of bitcoin as it is now values at 20000 per fake phony digitized confusion cyber technocratic fraud. Charlie Munger also is glad to make it past 2020 and the 99 year old Charlie Munger can't believe he is still breathing and surviving the millions and millions and millions of death bed wishing viruses that exist in the world of this and the planet of man on Earth

. The goofy Monkey Chimp  looking scoundrel billionaire is a wizard and a investing guru who along with Warren Buffett own like half of the capitalist work in various functions and corporations in many global stans around  the planet nut they are not nor ever will be a fan of bitcoin. Charlie Munger says do not trust the liars of Bitcoin and the likes of Max Keiser and the pinhead Jeff Berwick who are two of the  most

egregious pushers of digitized currencies in this Chinese lead driven attack on  our  currency. Charlie Munger and Buffet have declared this snake oil asset being one with no value nor having any potential of earning one and ins ponzi scheme form hell and pure speculation and the people like the leprechaun Max Keiser and The Mexican residing tax avoiding Jeff Berwick are akin to drug pushers pushing this fake currency and misleading people that this si something that should  be invested and celebrated.

Jeff Berwick is a clown and anarcho capitalist who now does YouTube videos walking around with his ugly dog  and ranting about government and new restrictions Charlie Munger called Max Keiser a fucking joke and that Jeff Berwick is a dollar hating unpatriotic

asshole  who is more concerned with his own personal wealth and defunds instead of fighting for a more equitable world of justice and  economic  parity among people and all Bitcoin is another technocratic dream vision and speculation frenzy of the elites wishing for more and new ways for easy and dream money and bitcoin would only open the door to a perpetual corruption and a small class that would benefit form it and bitcoin snake oil has about as much chance of being adopted and over taken paper money government bills as people adopting snake charming and cobra pets over dogs and cats. The day the pinhead Jeff Berwick replace she beloved Lucy for a Cobra named Jake will be the day that the jerks like him and Max can prove the volatility and viability of digital bitcoin currency. 

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