Herbert Gilbert
Make no mistake the Drunken Peasants are three dipshits two of them being the Kirk brothers who are two lad asses that think their opinion matters and make many a YouTube videos where only dudes with no girlfriends or time have on their land to observe often for entertainment. The Peasants were bashing and playing a video criticizing a Alt-right internet host Nick Fuentes as they don't like him for his outspoken conservatism and trolling of shits like the three nimrods who tinker on the Drunken Peasants.

They played a video where Nick Fuentes was playing a video mocking some You tuber called Vaush, who is an internet troll and jackass and a half log feuding with a back and for the with Nick Fuentes who is a stringent Trump supporter and had many fans according to Nick . Fuentes didn't like a video where this libertarian socialist outspoken geek named Vaush was attacking the one hugely known but more obscure speaker Milo
Yiannopoulos who was a gay conservative often outspoken himself on critical culture issue and is a self-described jag fag troll and right-wing conservative homosexual often at odd with the radical Marxist leftist sin the global homo international homo organization whose only loyalty is to the rainbow flag and nation. Vaush was upset and attacked Milo for his comment of Swedish meatball and teen meat head Greta Thurnberg s being an invention and environmental lie and brand for the youth and brainwashing attempts to scare crow these kids that the planet is dying and that they will die before they are fifty through the damage supposedly done to the planet form having civilization. Milo says this idiot autistic teen is being used by the progressive attempt and power grab of countries resource energy sectors and to nationalize new methods and push for treatments of Green energy changes that will not make up or satisfy the demands of modern strong industrial nations and the liars like Greta Thurnberg are just advocates and inventions f these left-wing organizations attempting to lower the quality of life for Western capitalist and Asian modern nations. Gretab Thurnberg is a little dumb ass lud bitch advocate for international socialism and its spread in order to fulfill wishes of the international investing class ushering anew era of feudalism upon the masses.
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