Indey Neidell outraged as Wall Street is bombed yt Bernie Sanders supporters a hundred years ago

     Milton Wiener

     One of the most amazing You Tubers is a historian named Indy Neidell in the journalist who reports on current topics of the day. The problem is many of the topics he brings up occurred a long long time ago as the host of something called time Ghost on YouTube. Indy Neidell finally discovered a Wall Street was bombed by on Democrat socialist, the same people we see today with ANTIFA in the Communist  black supremacist the wreck havoc last summer.

Indy Neidell said that the Red Scare of 1919 was a serious attack on capitalism and similar to what the United States is facing right now and he warned that another possible attack in Middle America giving the insane amount of number of RV campers that are allowed for private use in this country. We predicted somewhere in the Midwest or south it major bombing will occur that will rival the 1970 University of Wisconsin-Madison bombing that was conducted by anti-war protesters Upon A academic research building Indy Neidell just discovered that Wall Street was found

about a hundred years ago play Radical elements of ANTIFA  and none other than Senator Bernie Sanders a Vermont and by two-time loser for the president was somehow involved in his youth along with others took their anti-capitalist Viewpoint and decided to spread domestic terrorism against the heart of America's largest city in financial district and of Infamous Wall Street.Indy Neidell put forth full blame of the growth of socialism to the likes of Bernie Sanders who was in his twenties back in 1919 and Indy Niedell says the polish people as with stopping the Turks in mid evil times once again saved European civilization when it stopped Joseph Stalin and the Red Army  a hundred years ago in the Warsaw Helink river and major battle to stop the evils and spreads of communism and this is something the Soviet bastard and geriatric fuck ass senator Bernie Sanders has held resentment ever since to his old age of 109 today.

Bernie Butthole holds the same wicked ideas and ope for communist spreading in Europe and America has he did a hundred years ago and the man was a committed Marxist out of school voted  most likely to be a fucking communist  and whether he was involved or not in the wall street bombing is not yet known but highly probable given the evil rhetoric he shares with many of today undemocratic socialists and activists protest terrorists of ANTIFA ,Black Lives Superior , and other dark forces of leftism socialism seen today protesting and rioting every time a politician is forced to kill a suspect to save his or hers life on the streets of thug America. 

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