The Dice man Mark Dice rips the asshole of Andy Yang

 Jay Yang

    Mark Dice is a YouTube known as the true Diceman and he came about and blasted the talk of Andrew Yang running for mayor and is ridiculous demands to be able to identify whether someone has had the Covid vaccine. Mark Dice say Yang is a bamboozle politician wanabee having run worthless companies and lived of freebies and now he is talking about giving all people a mealy living and state government money while the rulers elites can continue to live of banking

freebies and live like emperors. Mark Dice says that Andrew Yang wants a mark of the beast bar code on peoples bodies and that the insanity of Andy Yang to say this and bare no consequences is amazing and jut dead wrong an sick to the bone no doubt about it. How Andrew Wang wishes has a following is besides many peoples ideas to comprehend and he must be funded heavily by technocrats and others who do indeed wish to tattoos people in so many ways to identity them for some cause or object. he idea of Andrew Yang runing New York is a joke and the man is not politically qualified to run York, Pennsylvania as a city councilman and cant even manage to run a parade in the Chinatown in Fresno, California without the aid of many

technocrats and members of the Yang Gang. This guy just is  pad media hack pushing for more socialism for the masses while the "entrepreneur class and members clubsters  like him get more "global " socialism from government and the private international investing connected   money printing  concocted class that lives off their unprofitable ahhh concocted project.  Mark Dice rightfully  ripped the banana ass of Yang and his tweets expressing hope and interests that if we want to get to normal those people determined to have the vaccine t=need to be identified while those who avoid and disagree with all vaccines should be denied access through identification as such. Yang and others who say such asinine ideas and push for such movements need to be held in task and called out for his stupidity of Yang and others wanting to fuck and mark people up so others can see if they had the required rabies shots required y the lies of health scare and the scare crow Democratic party and big health fascists seeking to use their new found  power and harassment of the public for their glee. I suggest that if Yang wants  to markup his body to indicate he loyalty to the authoritarian new world medical martial law movement and indicate he got vaccinated like the dog he is that he consider getting a tattoo of a naked Albert Fauci.

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