Milt Rosenberg and professor Charles Lipson mock Anthony Fauci and say he is a media whore and pimp for the pharmaceutical industries

 Calvin Hamilton

    Milt Rosenberg and University of Chicago  professor Charles Lipson came aboard their award winning WGN telecasts and blasted WHO funded and shit down advocate hack on pay for China in the media whore that is Anthony Fauci. Milt Rosenberg says this little man is here and everywhere and he hates being mistaken for this worm Fauci who is a devoted socialist and determined to destroy all vestiges of capitalism and freedom with his vocal lies about Covid.

Lipson attacked how Anthony Fauci says we must remain diligent and we are in a war yet this Fauci clown  guy is not making the sacrifices and being forced to shut down and live among meager means and in fact this little old gray-head demon that thanks to the health liars will not live a yeomen life and  has made a fortune form his daily appearances and many broadcasts through these Chinese-owned media outlets such as MSBNC and CNN/?CPP network of Don Lemon  and Chris Cuoma a network so obvious allied and aligned with the Communist party in China. The amount of work and propaganda that this old worm Adolf Fauci has done in waging war against out r economy and freedoms is amount to treason and one day eh may get this acclaim tacked onto him with an ultimate tar and feathered job this silly old rooster deserves. 
 Lipson and Rosenberg say Fauci is celebrated by the liberal press because they advocate and push forward this economic eco- terrorism and warfare among the Democrats and they say indeed we are in a war on Covid but it is not the one described by the lying media and the fact is the war is being waged upon the American people on behalf of the globalists by our wicked and traitorous global connected and funded health scare crow systems and John Hopkins University which are institutions that are basically puppets of manipulation siding with the global undemocratic socialists and the top one percent controlling them.

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