Free Fionia

 Jake Glass

 Animal Stories

   The other day City officials in Cincinnati celebrated along with the vi Prison Complex of the Cincinnati Zoo the 4th birthday of a hippo named Fiona. The hippo has been held in captivity something hippo napped somewhere in Africa four years ago by Zoo officials who found the hippo baby so adorable they just had the added to their complex. Animals Across America are being imprisoned having done nothing to justify their imprisonment in zoos across the world and feel no they Apple celebrated its fourth birthday March to much media and Fanfare in the Cincinnati region last week.

This hippo must immediately have its freedom and should not be in the zoo but instead in the jungles and river systems of its native Africa and for the continued captivity of animals such as Fiona sisters is a further strain on man's relationship with the environment and Wildlife. We dnpt know the torture and pain Fionia must of felt when it was seperated form its mother in a crucial learning period that this baby Hippo was developing learnign and desiring to be a Hippo  and the vils fo thi decision to steal this animal and put it in the middle of Brth America in some dark and cold zoo witll never be explained or quiet understood

 Fiona loed dazed and confused as its normall bringpen had this borthday treat and clealry tis hippo wished to could be away from thsi space and plac ein Cincinatti back to the wlderness of Ghana or Zambia by its firth borthday and we need to lead a campiaign to help bring about this trasntion and freeodm for Fionioa the Hippo tat is currently parked and improsoned aving done nothign to desrve its confinement in a wicked prison complex called a zoo in  Cincnatti,Ohio.  Fione the Hippo shpuld be set free to live  a hodnisit waddlign hungery hippo lifestyle in its native land or stan and this sad fact must be presented to zoo officlas and perhpas some real rich donaor can urchase Fion's freedom and set it free to where it beligs and this is a muddy ling river system in Africa. 

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