Frog face corrupt New York politician Chuck Schumer and the bitch Mitch Romney confronted by a transgender protesters

    Oscar Orton

   The awful rotten scumbag politician in New York named Charles Schumer was having one of his fakery lying news press conferences when he was confronted by a trans gendered protester form hell who confronted this corrupt Anti-Trump  anti-American politician broker and supporter for the CCP party in China. Chuck Schumer and other Democratic politicians wish to silence the voice of the opposition and this is why they have rigged the election and now seek to impeach president Trump and

prevent him form running again in 2024 for president of the United States. Charles Schumer and his constant lying about Trump was finally confronted as Schumer was heckled and taken to task looking old and exasperated as a ugly old owl that he is and this man is one of the most hated people in politics and instead of him calling for someone to be impeached a movement needs to be done to get rid of career politicians like himself that do little except create partisan division and then using our resources to build up and give wealth to trusted overseas sources and allies. Schumer was about to shed some crocodile tears as he wished secretly he could be in a one party state where this man or woman whose face is not seen would immediately get arrested and disappears for having the gall of heckling a stateist and Chuck Schumer and other

radical Marxist Democrats are already dreaming up a bill for making it a high crime if someone interrupts and confront sin front of cameras a public official and entitled prick face member of the political class like this man. Charles  Schumer is like a little leprechaun looking troll half human and half magical beast and some are saying Schumer is not even a fucking human.

Chalres Schumer and other far-left politician needs to be confronted along with bad Republican who do little and don't fight for the republic or the rights of the individual as Mitt Romney was confronted and humiliated similarity this week. hares Schumer has to be the most lephrancany of the politicians corrupt that allowed foreign money and influence to call the shots and change our laws laughing and smirking his was all the way to the end of the rainbow and the pot of gold financially for himself. He and along with Mitt Romney are long time career corrupt politicians working to ring about the decline of this country and adding to extreme poverty and inequality while to two multi-millionaires live it up and it is men like Romeny and Charles Schumer who must feel the wrath and get their justice when the revolution come.

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