Leonardo McGregor
Trendsetter an amazing ft checker Gerald Celente went off of the sick Joe Biden and some of his picks and Celente blasted the Obama deep stare career government retreads that keep coming into government and the administration every tie the Democrats rig the election and Mr Celente was particularly offended by the choice of this unhealthy ugly transvestite health secretary named April Levine who is a totally repulsive and repugnant monster looking transvestite from hell and Pennsylvania. As many other annalists point out the job that this she male did in Pennsylvania as the states health secretary top official was horrible and this is the last man or woman or thing that Joe Biden should of picked a person totally incompetent for the position and this beast was only picked for the position to fill a quota of identity and April Levine fulfilled the need for the .00056% of the population that describes themselves as a transgendered or transvestite female impersonator.

Celente called Joe Biden a dipshit dumbass illegitimate president and one who only get elected by the massive cheating from the Democrats and art they have crafted for years and years after losing elections and they knew that and ghat Joe Biden is one of the sickest most radical authoritarian leaders his country will now have and his pick of Levine and her double chins telling us to be healthy when this pig beast transvestite doesn't know how to take care of her own health is a travesty and injustice to this nation and legacy,

Gerald Celente eviscerates these deadly and dumb business attacking political leaders and he said Joe Biden's choice of assistant secretary of health shows that Mr Biden president in theft mind and mental health has deteriorated to such a degree he is totally unfit to lead this country and appointments such as this crossdresser maniac man in a woman's dress telling people they are a health official and works at keeping the people and the economy shit down further is an indication of this fact.
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