Wally Jackson
All the far left ANTIFA type broadcasters on-line on addition to the global media that seeks to destroy Americans civil liberties and th esecond amendment of the constitution are attakcing freshly eleted Gerogia congresswoman MarJouire Taylor Greene and it was only a matte rof time before far-left Marxists David Pakman and Secular Talks Kyle Kulinski would attack this woman.
These three leftist on-line trolls are misogynists and hate conservative women in politics or broadcast and taking time to bas another blonde attractive women is something these three loser boy soy clowns know how to do well on propaganda video sites and internet broadcast. The real motivation of course it the extreme misogyny that both Kyle Kulinski and David Pakman and Seder have for women and having women who are radically different from the thinking and extreme politics these idiots share is an excuse for them tounload on these and coming women in the media and government,

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