Moises Moreno
Sherrod Brown is a Democrat senator from Ohio who doesn't want a Republican official be his college in the US senate and Mr Brown is trying to make a case for himself and a brand as he pushes forward investigation to the Robin Hood stock controversial and how they are preventing people from getting into the investments of Game stop to stop the funding of hedge funds who then fund corrupt politicians senators like Sherrod Brown himself. Brown is angry looks like Rand Paul but instead pushes a agenda of elite 1% rule and racial division to man stain the status quo and part of the status quo is giving wall street the exclusivity to profit and being able to tackle down the stock of a price at their will whcih they are often aided by maniac senators and congressmen like Mr Brown from Ohio.

Shit face Brown is seeking to prevent the common man form investing and he will seek to displace the opportunity of Robin Hood from even existing finding an excuse to go after this company and tech platform many of these common man small investors use and is crucial for them to get into the scam swindling and mass theft of stock values as this is something the Jewish banking and fiance class has long used government to establish a monopoly of market manipulation for themselves and their institutions.

Make no mistake this Shitty Brown doesn't care for the Reddit users wanting to day trade and drive the price of a stock of a company the Establishment walls Street global hedge funders seek to destroy but Mr Brown seeks to destroy capitalism and the stock trading ,build a brand political name for himself, and eventually screwing over the small investor for their ability to take over the stock price and manipulation from he same big money coastal financial industry big wigs that elect a son of a dog who raised a crack pot politician and names her son Sherrod. I think this fact is what drives the lunacy of Sherrod Brown as a typical urban democratic politician and Sherrod Brown is panning on running for president in 2024 to aid and help the fiance bankster class and destory any and all competition from reddit investors trying to battle against the profits of this evil industry that is a major donor to the Democrat party and the health executives class members wishing to lock down countries and profit from it. brown is a corrupt anti-American democrat who doesn't like Jim Jordan because congressman Jordan supports free and fair election and supported trump 's quest to stand up to the election rigging form the axis of evil politician sand foreign agents and money overseas to destroy all vestiges of democratic election i America that have long been a part of our system as how else can so many repressive violent angry Democratic liars and politicians like Sherrod Brown exist in politics working so obviously against Americans and serving the global money class. Sherrod Brown is hoping for massive funding form this global class as he runs in 2024 fully expecting old Joe to be six feet under by then and Kamala Harris a long shot for any national acceptance and Mr Browntone along with Andrew Cuomo may be the leading candidates in 2024 or perhaps Game stop obeying .and executive. We need to resist this decree and have a third party peoples party where the abuses of corporate political mobsters in both established parties are over ruled and overturned put in a cell for their various crimes much like Rod Blagojevich and Mr Shit head brown is among the worse offenders.

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