The drive to impose and force more drugs and culture as Chicago Tribune and mainstream media celebrates legalization in Illinois

 Peter Patel

   The lamestream rotten media that is the Chicago Tribune among other newspapers throughout this country continue to push and celebrate the legalization of marijuana and other hard core drugs in America, In Illinois 2020 weed legalization was made possible and now a news story from the folks of the Chicago tribune celebrating this sad fact that these wicked folks actually think we has a society are ameliorated by the spread of weed and marijuana  rooting for it to grow and get bigger as the Chicago business section did  a huge piece endorsing and welcoming the campaign to spread drugs as something to be admired. The corrupt  state of Illinois be granting 75 more license and to spread  illness in Illinois  and the newspaper quoted executives and more owner of these drug dispensaries desperate to hook up more non-traditional people for drugs and get them hooked looking to repeat the Opioid crisis in America and they are going

after granny and soccer moms. The last thing we need as a society is a bunch of stoned soccer moms crashing and adding to the burden of our health care system and this news story in Decembers 30's Chicago Tribune is further psychosis  of the mainstream media reporting what is bad is good and what is good is bad looking to morally corrupt the people much have the politicians have been. One must clearly come to the conclusion government ants to spread pot retail and visualize normalize taking drugs as getting people hooked ion drugs in a massive scale will make them more controllable. Instead of funding and pushing business for cheaper food and eats and ending food desert government is complicit and encouraging this madness of pushing for ore drug dispensaries and drug dales out as the n normal

changing laws and making this shit legal.The  mainstream media wishes to push the decline  of America and mass production and making a open air legalization drug market is their way towards that goal and oping to get  more people purchasing this product instead of buying   food for their children and the curiosity factor is something these psychotic  drug pushes like Jason Erkes of Cresco labs and other using foreign money to push forward increased power for the marijuana industry. They also desire for  government to close restaurants and have more pot and alcohol take home business on the main streets  of many town America and this is a determined plan to destroy this country . The Chicago Turdune was elated and said November sales of weed 140 million and they hope to increase this 250 in the upcoming months cheer leading for an increase in hard core drugs and business as such.

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