Andrew Yang confronts a pole handling anti-Masker antoi vaccine on a ferry

 Lee Park Kong

   Mayoral hopeful and rick star King Andrew Yang was on a ferry and he interrupted a fight where a anti-masker was making fun of Andrew and other officials who put a picture of themselves with a mask and for this anti-masker neardelwell a confrontation with a member of the Yang Gang was the result of the day. Andrew Yang heard the commotion and felt stalked by this guy and he ran to confront this guy  with his  team as Mr Wang decided to confront this guy and show somehow that reports of him being a Beta or Gamma make a untrue and Andrew confronted this guy causing a rukus with the backup of his gang and supporters and told the tall lanky cowboy to buckle up and back down.

Andrew Yang looked lie he was ready to kick this guys ass and a picture  caught this individual named Randall Japser who is a cowboy form hell and Texas and was captured on film following Mr Yang an dit appears this man might of been a hired assassin to take out Mr Yang and prevent his  mayoral run before being confronted by a keen observer and photographer on team yang gang. 
 Yang got of this ferry boat in Staten Island and then celebrated his courage and brave confrontation that was pushed out by the internet Yang media and Yang declared he is a alpha male willing to stand up and deliver a whupp ass to those who mock him wearing a mask 24/7 and having photojournalists follow him every and anywhere he goes as he attempts to become the next mayor of New York and keep open a possibility of an eventual presidential run in 2028.

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