Milton Wiener
Insane Chinese ambassador named named Cui Tiankai on CNN in the CCP Network and pretty much blamed coronavirus 19 on the United States. This phrase Chinese supremacist and ambassador ignores the fact that most evidence points to China created this virus in a laboratory and was meant to be used as a political weapon in support of the Democrat Party and their puppet Joe Biden in the 2020 election and
nothing that's his Chinese Chinamen said on Fareed Zakaria's propaganda CNN program had any amount of Truth upon it. Stop the CNN / CCP network from entering the Chinese bastard in a basket or who in the laboratory created the Chinese virus in order to distract from the Hong Kong Uprising against Chinese rule in addition to the ogre rotisserie Again Sports Chinese to promises assimilation in the western half of Chinese China of the user Muslim population and Chinese crazed ambassador whom was allowed several minuted of typical propaganda as one would expect from Chinese government state television.China is responsible fr spreadign tis virus and they know it as they want to unleash a global alliance of medical control and tyranny and this is the who purpose as this man wants to distract from the genocidal attacks on Uighur Muslims and the eventual attack on Taiwan and Hong Kong forms of capitalism.

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