Daym Drops outraged as he finds a hair in his Jalapenos Wendy's burger

 Chuck " Cheesepuff "Goodwin

    YouTube lard ass and food reviewer Daym Drops made a brutal discovery as he was reviewing the new Jalapenos  club sandwich at Wendy's and it made the usually always  hungry and constant  eating YouTube host in a rare moment in his life where he lost his appetite. Daym  Drops was shocked  and appalled to find a big strand  of red wig hair in his sandwich and in all of his years of

overeating and gluttonous behavior the internet food blogger who often reviews junk an fast food had never seen such a disgusting site as he had when he opened up his Jalapenos new Wendys burger in a vireo he created last week on is award-winning vlogcast. Daym Drops didn't want to mention this Wendys nut said he will never go to it again and he deplored the Wendys

organization both this problem as he has heard form several sources that Wendys often has a hair problem as its workers do not wear head scarves and covering  when preparing and cooking u their greasy burgers and chicken sandwiches  that are only like 55% pf real chicken breast meat.

The YouTube food critic from hell and New Haven, Connecticut took and blasted Wendy;s and he said this woman that wore a Red Wendys wig repulsed him and wondered if she actually put the hair  on purpose recognizing  him and wanted to make him grossed itu and she did accomplish this as the fat ass food critic was actually disgusted and is still questioning whether he will go to any Wendy's drive thru.

Daym Drops eats everything and anything but the one thing he will not touch is when there is hair or fingernails in his food and nothing disgust the garrulous food critic mre than these. Mr Drops demanded that Wendys get a hair on this problem and he said they need to do an internal investigation to all 1500 hundred of their Wendys stores and figure out why their workers are wearing wigs instead of hair nets. Daym Drops went t a Churches chicken  and order a full fried chicken and then proceeded t g home and dump a four pound shit into his toilet and didn't flush it until the next day as he was to bust to do so preparing the next days drive thrus and food list in oreoration for future videos on his amazing food channel. Damon Trump ended with his reaffirming that Wendy's needs to change enhancer head covered when cooking burger and he made the sign of the Left shark  with his two hands as Mister Damon knows  fast food is junk food but he's able to make a profit from talk of it which is amazing

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