Dumb Owl-Faced lefties John Oliver encourages people to get bats as pets and says they have little to do with Covid

 Sebastian Salvador

Animal Stories

   John Oliver   is a jackass and a half a bad propagandist form hell and Londontstan who comes on the sir once in a while  serving his pay masters at HBO globalist media. The nerdy Owl- Faced jackass did  twenty minute video that can be seen on YouTube where he says we have to prepare for the nest pandemic and more funding need to go from government and your tax paying incomes into higher incomes for

medical personal putting swabs up peoples noses and for teachers who now prefer to work these days through Zoom not wanting to deal t with the hassle of face to faced confrontation and discipline as the bad government worker public  education at rotten public schools always have been. John Oliver is now encouraging bats as pets and e herre at the Anti-pet association charity organization strongly condemn this

idea as John Oliver announced that bats are so cute and wif bats are the cause of Covid and we should kill of these species and breed them to be more suitable and indoctrinated s a species to humanity and not spreading little viral babies. John  Oliver is in denial and needs to understand that bats and the Chinese  obsession  with bar drip soup and the wet markets featuring cheap eats  and wild game  is a third world turd problem of people unable to raise and have sustainable families and farming communities and all they do is over breed in this part sf the world and bring human civilization or at east

population  close to animal habitats and have no squeemish thoughts of eating bush meat as bats and Gorillas are  large part of the daily diet of Africans and Chinese. John Oliver says he is going to go out and adopt a pet bat and food it goose meat and  blueberries and live it like his fog and cat an will keep it in his dead birds birdcage and name it smokey. 

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