Farmer Chris Paulsen humliates Lynx 3498YT

 Gerald Jasper

Animal Stories

    A disturbing video of harassment and animal abuse came out of Canada as a chicken farmer in  named was furious as he herd noise in his chicken coup and seen several dead chickens  and several  chicken clucking headless throughout their chicken coup. The Lynx had killed several  chickens in a chicken frenzy from hell and without a doubt this hit into the chicken profits of this farmer who took out his frustration on this chicken eating lynx and held it in front of his smartphone for all to look at and lives streamed the

humiliation of Lynx 3498YT. The farmer talked down to the poor cat and walked through the chicken coup having the lynx look at its work and destructive chicken power of a Lynx who killed several chickens without even eating the chicken and this chicken waste obviously was an extra layer  of puzzlement and anger for the chicken farmer . Mr Paulsen into his chicken insurance and to see what sort of claim he could make for the amount of loss on his chicken farm and whether he can recoup the chickens lost to this Lynx beast in this chicken coup 
 The chickens in his coup are still nerve racked thinking  about the loss of their friends and fellow chickens and this farmer was close to skinning  and gutting this lynx in revenge but thought better of it and wanted to show his fellow farmers around the world what farmers need to do to a chicken thief four legged creature and he released it many miles away and near the grounds of a rival chicken farmer. Mr Paulsen said the loss of Fredo and Bordie chickens will be felt  and he will immediately rewire his chicken wire to prevent any predators of chicken gaining access so easily as Lynx 3498YT was able to gain access was something that he does not want to see repeated anytime soon.

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