Chuck Cheesepuff" Goodwin
Harold Baldr is the food critic often traveling around the world eating Chinese and Vietnamese chicken and crossing the street like a chicken tin these massive choke-filled street swith bikes and vehicles of all shapes and aizes, Hard Baldr is always trying to cross the street and is often killed by motorbikes and accidents yet rearies and it has been determined that Halrd Baldr has been rewarded a hundred or so lives much like a cat. Ia m a bit disturbed that Harld
Baldr has not released any videos having done one Zanzibar in the past four months and this jackass needs to be putting out content and providing me entertainment and viewing pleasure , Harld Baldr thought twice nut unfortunately made the fatal decision to try out one of these boasting ugly skinny chickens that resembled a rubber chicken and upon the first bite Halrd Baldr realized that the skin was tough and the chicken tasted tangy very rough an tough to tear part from his
mouth. Halrd Baldr has tried alot of sick food including many snakes in the lane and the grass but as he said this chicken was the worse chicken he has ever eaten and most of the snakes he devoured in his life were much more tasty than this horrible street side Vietnamese Chicken shack which served him the whole chicken he sought while trekking up and down the street looking for food and Asian hookers on his recent visit to Hanoi. Harld said this was the worse fucking chicken he has ever had and got so sick after eating it he died.
Harld was hesitant to even eat the chicken after they served it to him and the head was still on the fucking chicken and he shoud of know right then to bolt or to take that crazy chick right to the nearest garbage. Instead Harld Balr tried to portray himself a s a maverick willing to try any oddball street food and tried and ate this chicken and he got such food poisoning form this skinny chicken he was hospitalized and lost one of his many lives that this globalist jet setting globe trodden silly parvenu clown that as a deep pocketed and by some accounts must be part of the New Zealand deep global state and thus is how he is able to travel and eat snakes and skinny chickens in some 100 country visits he does on YouTube as a son of some elite member of the royal guard of British Empire.
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