John Michael Greer comes on James Howard Kuntsler and calls media modern pravda and consider running for president while declaring a civil war is coming

 Lonnie Yeager

   The great druid and writer writer Michael John Greer came in the Howard Kuntlser podcast and talked  about society and the modern descent of civilization and humanity and this was the consensus of these two social critics and important writers and voices in the modern era. Michael John Greer says the Washington Post and New York Ties have become the modern Russia Pravda which he use to read to brush up on his Russian reading skills and Michael Greer says the spin and deceit of the American media is typically a major role and reason for the direct decline of the West. John Michael Green and Howard James also said the managerial

elite class has embraced woke radical identity politics and that the managerial class uses race for division and corrupting  minds and souls of culture  and media to work against  unity and provide  them with an easier oath of over lordship control on the middle and working classes in this country. The corruption  of global business profits from  initiating civil wars in other countries and James Howard Kuntsler and Michael Greer predicted that thus country is indeed headed towards a civil war in itself as the desperation fo the managerial global business class was so threatened and fearful of the rise of Trump  and other populists they want to vilify and did so against Mr Trump and his followers for four years. 

 Howard and Michael ripped the managerial  corrupt political class and the Democratic Party as being out of touch and was once a working class party that has been overtaken by the globalist sand is not running candidates for the best interest of the average American and because of so there eventually will reach a fervor pitch and a civil war is likely but before that John Michael Greer says he is optimistic that he can prevent this and may run for president in 2024 . John warned the corporate  business global class that when you put the masses into positions where people feel like they have nothing to use a dangerous situation for them arise and John Michael Greer says the Game stop

situation is evidence people e are getting tired of the erratic rule and wickedness corruption of these in charge and those that allow the likes of George  Clooney and the elite class giving themselves billionaire status for bad liquor and tequila  drink. the two men and famous writers said the elites are pushing the average person in America and throughout the world into a apoplectic rage.If elected John Greer would be the first druid as president of the United States which would also be cool. 

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