Jolly professor John Rogers at Northwestern want to collect your sweat and body oder and collect the data for a profit

   Martin Manziel

Dream Money

     A new wearable device that slurps  up your sweat is something the research committee and money extractors in trusted  science sources are bale to bring about. Professor John Rogers and his goal of data collecting your sweat is one of the causes  I reckon that tuition costs around 999,000 dollars for a four year degree at Northwestern as the cutting edge work and technology of seat annalists s something that Jolly John Rogers shows  no shame in another attempt  by big tech and big research in evading your privacy and for John Rogers this is fun and dream money and an easy way to collect and cash in money to the bank.

and claiming it is helping ones health. John Rogers is a chemist from  Northwestern hell and somehow this clown gets massive funding high incomes to proclaim if you sweat alot you ma be stressed  and this man is just a sick puppy for wanting to smell people  and put this wearable thin device to collect data and help the biomedical engineers just to sell this data and make up a fortune for otherwise useless sweatshit on the human  body.  Jolly John and the fine folks of huge granted money and income get to play with your sweat and make observations under  a microscope and make claims of important information of ones health  being collected when in fact much f what John and is staff at the and just talk nonsense ,horseshit, and rubbish all rolled up into one with a nice little bow on top.

Chemist John Rogers and his idea a smart skin object may huge and  the next Iphone someday and John Rogers is well on his way he opes in being th next Bill Gates and Elon Musk as he thinks people will rush to purchase these sweat collector and ahhh I dunno maybe they can make their own perfume or something constantly analyzing  their sweat for the first signs to indicate tat you may be stressed out and not even fucking know it. Make no mistake John Rogers is making dream money as this man thinks 24 7 of your sweat and bad order and wants to  smell as much of it he can and turn it into data to look at an be amazed .

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