Mark Zuckerberg cancels Australia as congress shit Dave Cicilline tries to make Facebook pay a tribute to the corrupt left-wing corporate media

 Zachary Zuckerberg

    My brother Mark Zuckerberg is in a feud with the Australian government as the state of Aussiestan is trying to make Facebonk pay a tribute to the corrupt mainstream global media and the globalists that run these corrupt governments want their sate news propaganda networks t be financially rewarded and my brother wants nothing do with this. Mark Zuckerberg  is preventing any left-wing propaganda Australian news form appearing on his Facebook and people accounts denying these stories to be shared by Facebook and this has angered the executives of these globalist fake news pandemics pushing assholes like Rupert Murdoch and others who for years have been pushing their various governments to get big tech to share in tie profits and to pay a tribute to big media which is basically often misinformation and pushes a globalist left-wing open borders platform.

 Mark Zuckerberg needs to stay strong and make those of the Zuckerberg name proud and stand up to these government and news media tyranny trying basically to tax Facebook, Google, other platforms in order to hep their as industry that is struggling and always losing money as few people pay for this content knowing full w ell the media is  untrustworthy and a bunch of  left-wing asshole pushing  gay and lesbian racial obsessive identarianaism.
 Mark Zuckerberg faces the wrath of the foreign global class and corrupt politicians like rotten shit congress prick David "sissy Cicilline who is a corrupt bastard working hard to push forward a agenda of a one party state and accomplish tor a authoritarian Democratic Party to dominant all aspects of this country and wage war n freedom in America and around the world. I support brother Mark on this one as these news publishers are losing money left and right and because they are o left they are determined to find new avenues for resource to extract and continue their deceitful lies and political propaganda for the globalist allies of the American Democratic party and political class and lying assholes like congressjerk Dave Cillilline

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