Milwaukee drivers and automobiles are flying left and right off ramps

 Ramon Ramos

     Milwaukee drunk s a skunk and other erratic drivers cant seem to understand that one must slow down in winter driving when approaching one of its many large ramps. In the past two weeks dozens of cars in Milwaukee have flipped off the ramps  of Milwaukee and thus far no one has dies from their reckless dangerous driving in Milwaukee and there are millions of people driving without the regard of the safety of others and should not be on th roads driving a vehicle. The number of cars,trucks, and scooter  nation mo peds falling out of Milwaukee's scary twisting ramps that scares the shit out of me when I have to make my daily trucking commute fro Jackson,Wisconsin to Indianapolis is amazing and predictable and I am surprised this ha never been a major issue in the past as many of these drivers are psychotic and many don;t have citizenship or proper paoers but corrupt state governments give illegels the right to drive. 

 ,any of these drivers have been in the Wisconsin tradition been drunk like a skunk and a shark and basically lead to their own downfall off these Milwaukee area ramps with one of the best views of any downtown in an American city I have ever seen and I have seen drivers just pull off and stop their car in mid drive and dangerously take selfies and pictures of Milwaukee in the background and this apparently sis some sort of Reddit challenge bu internet folks and is extremely dangerous and we highly condemn and don;t recommend these actions although daring pictures look cool. Others have crashed their car and now seek to profit form it setting up these Gofundme Pages and campaigns to pay for bills and mortgages and one  clown i  a particular seems to be hoping for this money method freebie because he crashed his car going fast in the fucking snow on a rmap which is often warned against. 
 The Milwaukee insane clown drivers need to realize that safety precautions always need to need figured out in the winter snow and ice formations on these ramps and slow the fuck down and again we are making calls for speed trap cameras as the number one danger of drivers is the vast amounts of speeding that goes on these freeways and expressways often not patrolled by authorities and poses danger for other drivers and this is the real issue safety concerns need to be established as car speeding and accidents kill more people a year that  Coronovirus and this is hardly ever discussed in the media. 

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