Peter Patel
Former Greenpeace environmentalist eco-terrorist and speaker Peter Barouth went nuts and appeared on Ralph Nader's left-wing radical podcast and Mr Barouth is a one man army waging war on the leaf blower. Peter has been awoken up in his leafy suburb and angered by the idea that people are using the gad-powered leaf blower and pound for pound the leaf blower is one of the most polluting object ever invented and despite it being illegal on the streets he is livid it remains legal in peoples backyards and gaining in popularity and use in suburbia America and increasingly in rural areas.
Peter Bahouth went ballistic recalling the amount of frustration he has trying to fight the plague of leaf blowers and ow much he hates them and has tried to get them permanently banned from culture. Peter told Ralph that people are rude, crude, obnoxious pricks who don't care about nose pollution that he says is a real problem and is never addressed.

Peter Bahouth is often ignored for his battle against these leaf blowers and is trying to get anyone to take him seriously as most people think he is insane in the membrane for making such an issue. The leaf blower is a plague upon society and a curse as many of these people who hire these landscapers are not even home when they have these people disturbing their neighbors with these toxic environmentally abusive and destructive leaf blowers.

The leaf blower and the landscapers are a scourge fr people at home turning these tranquil ares into despotic zones of whiizzo the clown noise and boys. Barouth goe sout and films and records these blowers tenaciously recording their lur noice and recording it n the mantra noise measuring device and often finds what he suspected is that these Black and Decker lef blowers produce and transmit high levels of debility that ahhh they can literally make yo deaf within five years trough common use of the machine,
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