Sick David Letterman and his misogynist actions to female guests being reexamined

    Larry frost

    As  a long  time hater of David Letterman in the era before blogging and the internet I was amazed how this nasty misogynist liberal from Indiana was back then and often would  get away with the shit and how he treated female guests as Letterman was a vile disgusting misogynist prick. David Letterman was a dawn of the lying  libtard of media land late night  which we see of many variety today from John  Oliver to Seth Myers to Stephan Colbert to that sill South African Trevor Noah and all of these men  are lacking  brain and talent. A bizarre interview and sexual harassment of actress Jennifer Aniston form 1998 was rediscovered and her fans are going off on this jackass David Letterman who is geriatric and dribble brain and able to comprehend now and back then the sick nature and harassment of female stars 

 the jag off Letterman also had several other weird  interviews with Lindsay Lohen and many people are calling out the creepiness of David Letterman and this video of his harassment of young hot female actress reaffirms our position this is the late night jerk of all jerks. David Letterman snuck behind Jennifer's Aniston's head and sucked in her hair is just another example of what a sick bastard David Letterman was back then and is now and always has been

throughout his life and it seems interesting that people now discovered this sick behavior as David Letterman always has done this shit when interviewing young female especially in his later years and we are lucky this asshole is finally gone from the seen and is now facing critics rediscovering his sexual harassment of actresses like Jennifer Aniston who were not yet stars  and  had to tolerate this sick shit form old men like David Letterman. David Letterman should of been fired back then in 1998 when he brazenly sexually molested this actress and it is amazing thi piece of shit was not fired and canceled.

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