Andy Cruz
Ted Cruz is being attacked by the lame stream media and his ignorance and stupidity is what is angering many conservatives and Republicans as this idiot should of known that libtards and the media managerial class would of gone after him as one of the preeminent Republicans out there. Ted Cruz decided to escape the deep thaw energy crisis by escorting his two young daughter sot Mexico and he came back as after all Mexico is like the rape murder kill female capital of the world and the safety of his daughters and going into Mexico was a top priority. The media of course jumped on this opportunity to be partisan and attack this man endlessly as the partisan media does in favor of Democratic officials and politicians and if Ted Cruz a is fucking Democratic you would not hear little bo peep form the corrupt outlets of misinformation as ABC. Ted Cruz is bringing don the state of Texas with his stupidity and absurdity giving the left-wing

radical and fanatical media attack paths for both conservatives and the Republicans and the focus should be onto he failures of windmills and the baseless need for a Green technology movement that totally failed and caused the state of Texas and millions and millions of people on Texas to be without electricity in th middle of a winter storm.

Ted Cruz is being unmercifully attacked because he is a Republican and people in media are going after this guy as he sought the safety and warmth of his family and it should not be surprising liberal radical progresses would go after Ted Cruz and his visit to Cancun as they hate family structures, values, and men like Ted Cruz seeking out the safety and comforts of their family during a extreme weather pattern which the state was shit hard by the Democratic party demands of enforcing bad Green energy sectors on Texas by the corrupt globalist class and villainous scum like Beto O'Rourke.

the fact is of the Green movement was so concerned baot using less energy then American should conquer annex all Mexico and force people to move further an further SOut as these Alaskan, Russian, and Canadian weather patterns force this huge population and country to use more and more gas and wind and instead we should be living now in Northern Mexico that is in the seventies right now . In fact more and more Americans are moving to Mexico as the cost of living is chap and it provides the warmth that fe state sin America offer this time of year as our winters become more and more extreme as erratic and NATURAL weather patterns change having little to nothing to do to human activity and th ebig lie of th environmental liars and instead of global warming we are in fact entering a new era of ice age.
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