Ben Shapiro announces how the racial snowflake movement arose to distract form Occupy Wall Street demands and reforms

Mitch Welch

     Ben Shapiro is no Tom Crusie despite at time acting  like such and the conservative talk show host has mad  some strong  interesting points making people make acclaims and suggestions that he be named as Rush Limbaugh's heir apparent replacement One of the things that Benjamin Shapiro noticed is the increased of woke radical  racial identity politics at around the time of the occupation Wall Street movement and this was an intended direction big George Soros billionaire money with the intended consequence of suppressing and out flanking this populist movement.

This was around the time Lebornagain  James as King of the NBA made his first remarks on racial concerns and causes and basically Be said it is all about the Benjamin and that deep pocketed money went into his new protest form of movement to concentrate of racial separatism and division that best serves the interests of the ruling elites. 
 Ben said the rise in racial identity politics correlated with the fear and scare that the billionaire and multimillionaire class was dealt with in the occupy movement and this scared the shit of them and thus the birth of a new movement based n race and gender was created and conquer and divide.  The amount of  money going into protest groups that are anti-police and make a hassle out of the ten or so blacks killed by the police in non suicidal police shootings was increased and practically leveraged out the protest movement that focused and concentrated n the economic abuses of the master overlords at Wall Street Midtown Manhattan.
 Occupy Walls street morphed into this radical Black Bloc, ANTIFA,  Black Supremacy movement and all blame I think should be put towards the silly jackasses like Bill Gates and George Soros as people with too much money and distracting society from more pressing issues and this  is the economic theft and hoarding of billionaire scum like them for more money and keeps from the political corruption of the political class of bandits  in control of or government and others around the world. 

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