Big fat Pig beast Michael Moore has to wrong on terrorism by Muslim in Colorado grocery store

Brian Brain

    First  of of all I want to thank the ownership of this blog to gave me an opportunity and pay me the outstanding contract I have just signed and look froward to contributing and joining this excellent writing team.  Radical leftist Michael Moore is a con job talking about the evils of  capitalism while he is worth 50 million and makes money from  numbers of television appearances and books attacking he very institution that enable a fool like him to be a spokesmen and make so much money.

Michael Moore said that Ahmed Alissa has conformed to America values  and traditions with his attack and mass shooting in Boulder and the hypocrisy of this idiot savant pig asshole is so apparent as the Middle East and regions where Ahmed al Alissa is form has way more terrorism and shootings that America from Libya to Iran and Michael Moore is a big fat idiot and knows this. 

After seeing Michael Moore's trolling or actual beliefs  one has to wonder if this man has a brain and realize this terrorist assimilate not into America but was acting out the extreme violence and death rituals seen form his native Syria and perhaps this jabba the hut looking like Michael Moore doesn't know what has occurred  in Syria in the past twenty years and it is liberal nut balls like him that allow this assimilation of violence form other stans and lands to come and attack Americans. Michael Moore fat ars should really be in Guantanamo Bay , Cuba with the likes of Ahmad Al Aliwi A sissy mass shooter from Boulder, Colorado and assimilated into a deranged mental mass shooting philosophy imported from Syrian culture and from hell. 

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