Charles Schulz and Bill Watterson to be canceled by the left-wing insane mob along with Dr Seuss books

     Tony Miselli

Money Speak

       First it was the children's book writer Dr Seuss who was canceled as the radical left-wing fanatics just suddenly sprung on this long dead writer and encouraged people to attack his books and cancel it. Dr Seuss books are now being taken off the shelf of the closed libraries and children stores and the racialist radical left apparently had issues with some for the dialectics and drawing sin these kids books that few people actually pay attention yet the political left green Party people have successfully boycotted Dr Seuss and now  have their eyes and sets on Charles Schultz and Bill Watterson.

These new cancel protesters will target Peanuts and Calvin and  Hobbes and already calls have been made to end the publishing of new Peanuts and Calvin and Hobbes books as the radicals have labeled these comic strips  as racist accusing Charles Schulz if using a racist stereotypical Franklin character an other drawing sin peanuts as inappropriate for today's ties and should not  be available for the children of today.

The cancellation of Charles Schultz and Bill Waterson's comic strip franchise that rake sin billions and billions of dollars in merchandising for their work through the years is now under assault as Both of the comic genius and  the comic work of the Schultz family fortunes and Mr Watterson are in direct attack form cancel culture that claims Bil Waterson's work is racist along with peanuts. The insane left  canceling Dr Seuss and now Watterson and Schultz. We will have congressional hearing soon hopefully to address this crucial issue  eon those who would cancel D Seuss and other sin corporate culture that uses the market t push forward an agenda of radical push towards social activism and cancelling they don't like such as the comic work art of these two famous and world re known comic strip artists and all of the money they still generate from sales of their imagery and drawings.

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