Kyle Perry
Many people consider the idea of an organized pedophile ring that is allowed and protected by many members of the Democratic party as some off based conspiracy yet the real problem of human child trafficking is a real problem as children are groomed and mooned into sexual deviancy and anal probing as if they were abducted by aliens.
The problem is real and its a cause of the globalists who traffic women and ids into life sin prostitution and the corporate globalist left-wing corrupt media lies saying labeling these conspiracy cicadas as Q Anon denying the existence of reality and that there are scum and vile globalists like Doctor Larry Nassar of the USA gymnastics tam who raped 300 little girls and now a coach also involved in child rape and sexual molestation of gymnastic girls often away form their families and put in terrorist under these pedophiles in charge of USA Gymnastic and elite Olympic sports in general Some USA
gymnastics coach named John Geddit killed himself as he was about to face hundreds of charges of child molestation and rape and the media was silent about this as his case further provide evidence that those who advocate a Qanaon type global conspiracy have more and more evidence o the surge in child sexual abuse and trafficking of women and children for sexual purposes in a act that is as hold as civilization itself. John Geddert was about to be exposed and humiliated and the ugly Max Headroom type character rightfully and correctly decided to end his life before suffering the humiliation to answering these accusations and facing the victims and their families for what he did taking advantage of being round these kids and attacking them sexually as the minster that he was and these are the type of people in coaching and education all around
the country. John Geddert was the vile scum that collects along peoples lips as made mention in the me Con Air by John Malkovic's character Cyrus the virus n describing the pondscum and scumbags like this coach who did the world a favor when he exited it as a coward not wanting to face up to his accusers. John Geddert is largely part of a larger problem o a organized sexual abuse ring that has ling been protected by politicians of a certain stripe throughout the world and whether the mainstream media want sot keep smearing people for believing this consensus and call them Qanons and so forth attempting to discredit them ignores the real problem and the role of the media covering this up may need to be explored and eventually taken into investigation and attack of the media outlets that allow such crimes. The Max Headrooms broadcasters and news sources of the gas lighting talking points partisan Democratic media will have their Max Headroom pirate encounter and will be taken to task for their misinformation and attacks on people organizing and pushing forth the problem of child sexual exploitation and how the corporate media aids in these crimes to spread and for the perpetrators to get away.
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