John Oliver admits he is a stupid propagandist and an owl-faced jackass

 Eddie Bailey

    John Oliver came out with more new episodes as he got the memo and he is taking on the meat packing industry as he wants factory farming and apparently wants people to start eating bugs and rodents and start hunting like an owl the anti-meat industry is paying propagandists and bullshit artists such as John Oliver to tale on this important industry of meatpacking that delivers packages to supermarkets all across the

country giving people the opportunity to purchase and feed themselves yet so ow now even factory farming and meat distribution is not off the table for criticism as this idiot from London must want mass starvation and he remains one of the dumb  owl-faced speakers for China and the anti-Meat industry and John Oliver again  tried organized comedy to attack a economic institution in America and this is his sole and guided purpose reasoning for even being. John Oliver don't  want warehouses to exist  and he comes about on is globalist sow telling people not to eat chickens and bashes chicken farming.

John Oliver just come son and attacks establish business and our chain of supply network ad now he doesn't like how meatpacking is don e in this time of a pandemic. Lefties like John Oliver are using this covid problem to create more problems and propose massive changes that would upend the system and help those that want to take over and may of the people are the nes funding this owl-faced jagoff. 

 to  come aboard and just spread wrong news as Oliver John is the fountain of misinformation as Gorilla Monsoon would say and this man should  have a label before every program as a political slanted attack ad and the appropriate  funding of Oliver should be known and announced and he not doing it is just typical liberal retarded HBO globalist nonsense. John Oliver paid tribute to the truth he is a lying  owl-faced cocksucker  he always has been and always will be and a perverted one at that. 

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