Massive new species of Jaguar discoverered alogn Mexican Border makign way into America and given the name "Jag Fag".

     Patrick Jenning 

Animal Stories

   A new species of homsexual Jaguars have been discovered along the US Mexican brder shocing researchers and wildlife experts puzzled that a hybrd new species of part Jaguar part Bobcat cats have been devleoped and evolutionized into a bewildering new neurotic species of Jaguar. These new "Jag Fags" are amazing and prefer mating with their own genders and love their pronouns and these are not  your mothers and fathers Jaguars.

This big cat is making its way North and will soon be as ubuiqtous  in North America as the Coyote and Cougar ave already reestablished themselves and now my nightmare of beited catazided wll add a new specied to the bill and North Woods.

The Jaguars appearance and the hybridization of this new Mexican gay species should not be surprising and indeed may be an attmeot by the fat-left radicals to reconquista the land and use thei rcultural appropriation to make the Jaguar great agian and help to expand new ranges and habitats in the Unted States. This cat-like a beast would also aid to prevent the spread of hans in new lands and development zones and perhaps no better weapon could be to prevent himans form expanding and new suburban developments created than having this new speciaes of Jaguar expand their range and be protected. This jaguar was seen along the corridor in the state of Sonoro and it approached the trail cam and walked right up to it and stared eyeball to camera as it fucking new it was being watched and recorded as this male Jaguar named 2378SYITEVC tried to make out what this bright shiney light was and why it had suddenly appeared at that spot 

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