Ron Desantis snaps at a reporter and considers running for president in 2024

  Ed West

    Florida Governor Ron De Santis is the new pubic enemy number one of the liberal  American press of the global conglomerates ABC, NBC, MSNBC, and CNS and anger at his opening of the estate and refusing to keep mask laws up. medical martial scare crow  CDC sees the governor  of Florida as their biggest obstacle and have the global corporate mainstream media to work for them and one of their agendas is to battle and discredit Governor Ron Desantis as much as they can and did so last week. In a classic press and politician stand down Ron Desantis called back at the unseen reporter and called out her horseshit and bosses who get their orders to misinform from China.

Rosa Flores was a CNN fake news reporter that tried to antagonize and irate Mr De Santis about ling line sin Florida for the fraud and scam of Covid shots and she tried to pin it on Ron Desantis for the trouble as claimed by some local health left-wing organization. Santis called this reporter  and her accusation  as horseshit and said it was Lee Health  and the regions  largest provider of health as the cause of the delay that a bunch of old people scared by the media all massed to get a shit as they all think they are privileged and must live to be 99 years of age. Ron Desantis is not going to take crap from scared of her own mask shadow and Latina psycho Rosa Flores who like many people of Latino descent in the media world through their jobs to empower the cartels and so forth seek to dismantle our freedoms and rights.
 Ron De Santis is embolden and many people are pushing him to make the run for president in 2024 as how he has handled the mask fascists  and opposed their wicked economic ruin goals makes this man a strong contender for the GOP nomination as he is well respected and known throughout this country and Covid actually has helped put this man on the map where  he will be a leading contender for the Republican to go after Joe Biden and deny old Joe a second term that he has now indicated he has expectations to go forward. Ron Desantis is setting u an exploratory committee to see what states he has a good chance of winning and he has told people in no way should this female reporter ever be called upon and allowed on the grounds should he get elected president in 2024.

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