Tom Cotton calls for Insurrection act and bashes the left-wing child mob gangsters and considers running for president in 2024

   Woody Underwood

     Tom Cotton spike at CPAC  and talked of the radical left wing insurrection that was not covered at all by the media  and he deplored the number of troop in Washington DC and wondered how the hell the military were not called up as Black insurrectionist t  burned down a billion  dollars worth of property across America, Tom Cotton called for the passage of the Insurrection act and called on the media to realize that there are more than just one insurrections and they cant just only focus on one that resemble trump supporters . The ANIFA left wing again have insurrections when the weather warms because this is what the political left dies and is funded by our overseas enemies to spread dissent and hate throughout all fifty states  and Tom Cotton attacked these hate group of socialism  and warned that this summer the Black clad anti-American should actors will be on the street stage again as Chinese, Russian, and Iranians  funding  goes to these social justice traitors and organization  devote to keep chaos in urban America. Cotton mocked the media who thinks insurrection is only for the people on January 6th and wondered where was the same disgust  and fear of insurrection in the thousand or so Black and ANTIFA insurrection in communities across America last summer. An inserrection Act needs to be passed here local and state leads are overridden by the president and the deployment of troops must be made pronto for these summer based BLM rioting 

 Cotton write an op-ed in the New York Times and warned these leftists  that he and other patriots will defend this country at all cost form the wickedness represented by the political left an radical Marxists anarchist that hate this country and want to replace as much of our institutions with those devoted and loyal with international socialism and Marxism. Surprisingly the New York Times gave an opinion and a rare on from a republican and conservative willing to stand up and push  back against the left ANTIFA and Black supremacy mob that will always be put regardless who is president every summer as they seek to extort business and local Democratic governments as ANTIFA

and BLM are devoted to the criminal class in America. Tom Cotton is seriously thinking about running for president and says if he does he will be very surprised if old Joe is his opponent and he predicted that he would face Kamala Harris if he defeated his Republican challengers  in 2024. ANTIFA and the Black supremacy radials will be out this summer in force and the media will not be there nor call it s it is whcih is a insurrection and racial mob  rioting based in fear.lies, and pure racism on the  part of the cancel culture and Democrats. 

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